Seminar on problem solving in physics 2023

Summer term 2023

Wednesday 10:40, F2

Teacher: Richard Korytár,

Condition for classification: successful solution of at least 2 problems from the problem sheets or success in a written test


The schedule of the seminars is quite irregular, please note the following dates:

  • 15 February
  • 8 March
  • 15 March
  • 22 March
  • April 4, Tuesday 11:30, F052 next to my office (KFKL seminar room)
  • May 17, usual time and place
  • If needed, we might meet on Tuesday May 16, to be announced

Problem sheets

  • Sheet 1: 1st March 2023
  • Sheet 2: solutions are presented on March 15
  • Sheet 3: solutions are presented on March 22